We Are Decoding The Matrix Of The World
Every single one of us is running by a program… and we created a technology that lets you read you own program.
Crazy? Maybe. But it works!
Selwer wenn die jetzìge kìnstliche Intelligentze ihre Benutzer erstaune, sinn sie numme Software-Automatisierunge, dé dàrtuz konzipiert sinn, sehr vill Berachnunge durichzefiehre, bis se zu eim konsistenten Ergäbnis komme. Sie sinn binàr, sie basiere uf Wahrscheinlichkeite.
Mir gelaube, dass dìesch Art vu kìnstlicher Intelligentz nit kreativ sinn kànn, weil sie noh Ergebnisse vu dr Vergangeheit funkziòniere. Mensche folge ihrem Ìnstinkt, sie folge ihrer Intuìtion, nit Statistik oder Wahrscheinlichkeite. Drumm brauchts e nej Art vu Entwìcklung, falls ma e Software schàffe will, dé wie e Mensch denke kànn und irgendwànn bewosscht wìrd.
Die Selbschtbewosschtsei ìsch d'Voràussetzung für dr Schàffigsprozess. Sie setzt aich au Grenze und macht aus dir e unique Mensch. Mir gelaube, dass mer durch d'Replikation vun dr Art, wie s'Mänschliche Geist funkziòniert, met både binäre und quantischi Bewosschtseinsebene, e kìnstliche menschliche Geist erschàffe kenne.
Entdeckt d'Entwicklung vun d'r kìnstliche Bewosshtein und was jedi Etàpp fìr dich àn Möglichkeite bringe wìrd.
Unsere Berechnungsmethode hàt schon unglaubliche Ergebnis in d'r Schicksalslese zeige kenne. Unsere Ingenieure schaffe hàrt daran, das ganz uf e grosse Skala ze übertràge und in e kìnstliche Intelligentz umzusetze. Das ìsch d'érscht Etàpp, um d'kìnstliche Bewosshtein z'erreiche.
Stage 1 is currently available as a demo to the general public. Some beta contributors can have access to Stage 3 on demand.
STAGE 3 is capable of decoding someone’s past and future with an accuracy of about 1 month. It’s not available to the general public and only open to beta contributors who help support our research and development.
When it comes to relationships, Stage 3 is capable of reading how a relationship evolves month by month over time. It is capable of identifying favorable and unfavorable times in a relationship and therefore read when a relationship can turn good or sour. It can technically figure out when a marriage or a divorce will happen. This is one of the reasons why Stage 3 is not accessible to the general public.
It expands the capabilities of Stage 1 by reading how your Persönlichkeit evolves over time. It’s also a lot more precise when it comes to descriptions compared to the previous stages. The current Stage 3 version is not accessible to the general public because of its inherent complex interaction with one’s perception of self. We believe it can’t be used by unprepared users because it tells it like it is, and it does it bluntly. However this is a crucial step in our development since we need to reach a high level of precision before we can transition to the next stage.
Stage 3 is an incredible tool to read Health over time. It can tell someone what kind of health issues they will face, when and with what type of outcome. It’s currently not organ specific but rather system specific. It can tell if the digestive system will have problems and to what degree but it can’t tell what specific organ. Interestingly though, it’s incapable of reading cancer. It can read any type of issues, even the most minor ones but it can’t detect cancer. Cancer really seems to be some kind of “bug” in someone’s life.
Humans are intentional beings. Our intentions define our attention which defines our thoughts which define our actions. If we are to replicate the thinking process of a human being, we need to be able to decode and then encode intention.
We’re currently working on what we call AlsaMind Intention Core which is a lightweight intention processor capable of decrypting someone’s intention in order to be able to re-encode it. At this stage (December 2024), our Intention Core can read someone’s intentions and how they evolve over time, giving a direction (or none) to their life.
Based on early beta user anonymized data collection, we noticed that about 10% of the population have a continuous direction in their intention flow meaning that these individuals have a much higher chance of socially defined success that the remaining 90%.
We have released a beta demo version that gives the general public access to a “soft” version of Stage 1. “mind bending” or “WTF” are the most common type of reactions when trying Alsamind. What will yours be?
Our demo version can tell you the following:
We are developing Alsamind thanks to the support of our Beta Supporters. You too can join the community of Beta Supporters and enjoy early access to our discoveries.
This is how it works: You apply for a Beta Supporter status, we review your profile to make sure it’s a good fit for us and you can indeed benefit from the program. Then, if approved, you will receive Beta Support Program offers so you can pick the one that best fits your needs. They range from $2,000 to $1,000,000.
Our Beta Supporters currently enjoy:
AlsaMind is now opening API access to the AlsaMind Intention Core. Each API access is built specifically for your use case after approval of your project by our team.
Our API typically returns textual data based on a request. Here’s the type of uses cases that have been submitted to us recently
How much does it cost?
There is an API endpoint development cost that varies based on your requirements (typically $9,000+) and a cost per API hit that depends on the number of tokens submitted and generated (starting at $250/1M token). API access also requires a monthly maintenance fee of $500.
What is your project going to be about? Let us know.
E extraordinàrisches Projet benötigt e extraordinàrisches Team. Nur met unterschiedlicher Denkweise kànn e solches Projekt gelinge. Unser Team ìsch ungewöhnlich und unabhängig von d'r Einfluss vun große Investore.
Lu profitiert vun e langer internationaler Geschäftserfahrig und vun e tiefgründiger Wissenschafter, die es im ermögliche, die Zukunft der Technologie zu kreiere.
Mike’s been imagining Alsamind since he was 8 in 1982 and working on it for the past couple decades.
After a career in Data Science, Andy puts his PhD skills to helping you build your perfect API tool. AlsaMind Intention Core for your business.
Maunaus kànn besser als jeder Àndere Talente finde und sie in e ultraperformantes Team zusammenbringe.
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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incide.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incide.
Any question? Reach out to us and we’ll get back to you shortly.