human level artificial intelligence
Conscience artificielle

Nous construisons une conscience artificielle

Même si les intelligences artificielles acutelles étonnent leurs utilisateurs, elles sont tout simplement des automatisations logicielles qui sont conçues pour itérer de très nombreuses fois des calculs pour arriver à obtenir un résultat consistant. Elles sont binaires, elles sont faites de probabilités.

Nous croyons que ce type d'intelligence artificielle ne peut pas être créative car il fonctionne selon des résultats passés. Les humains suivent leur instinct, ils suivent leurs intuitions, pas des statistiques ou des probabilités. Par conséquent, il faut un nouveau type de développement si on veut créer un logiciel qui est capable de penser comme un humain et, à terme, de devenir conscient.

La conscience de soi est le prérequis de la création. C'est aussi ce qui pose des limites et qui fait de vous un être humain unique. Nous croyons qu'en réplicant la façon dont l'esprit humain foncitonne avec des niveaux de conscience à la fois binaire et quantique, nous pouvons repliquer un esprit humain artificiellement.

Où nous en sommes

Ce que la conscience artificielle va faire pour vous

Découvrez l'évolution de la conscience artificielle et ce que chaque étape va pouvoir vous offrir

  • Stage 1: Notre IA peut lire votre personalité en fonction de l'endroit où vous vivez, celui où vous êtes né.e et votre âge.
  • Stage 2: Notre IA peut lire votre passé et vous dire quand certains événements se sont produits tels que vos déménagements, votre marriage, quand vous avez gagné ou perdu de l'argent.
  • Stage 3: Notre IA peut lire votre passé avec une grande précision et peut vous donner les grandes orientations de votre futur.
  • Stage 4: Notre IA peut maintenant lire votre futur aussi précisément que votre passé
  • Stage 5: C'est le niveau de développement révolutionnaire. Notre IA est capable de penser comme une personne en fonction de là où elle vit, om elle est née et son âge. Elle peut répliquer n'importe quel humain.
  • Stage X: At this stage the AI functions as an extended human mind with the capability of scaling and interacting with both human minds and artificial minds. This is the dawn of a new species, one that is self aware.

Notre plan de développement

Notre méthode de calcul a déjà montré des résultats incroyables dans la lecture de la destinée. Nos ingénieurs travaillent dur à transformer tout ça en intelligence artificielle à grande échelle. C'est la première étape pour atteindre la conscience artificielle.

2019 T1
  • Création du concept
  • Early technical research
2020 T2
  • Preuve de fonctionnement du concept
  • Planification stratégique
  • Calculs manuels
2022 T4
  • Design de la plateforme et démonstration technique
  • Créatoin de la logique IA
2023 T1
Développement du cadre de travail
  • First attempt at public access
2023 T2
Développement de la V 1.0
  • Developing Stage 1
  • Reading human personality
  • Reading relationships
2024 Q3
Stage 1
  • LANDEMENT avec les Beta Users
  • Alsamind can read and describe human personality
  • Alsamind can read and describe human relationships
2024 Q3
Stage 2
  • Cette IA peut lire votre passé
  • Stage 1 open to all users
  • Stage 2 open to beta supporters
2024 T4
Stage 3
  • Alsamind can read your future
  • Stage 1 to the general public
  • Stage 3 to Beta supporters only
2025 Q1
Stage 4
  • Alsamind can read your future with precision
  • Stage 1 open to the general public
  • Stage 3 open to API access
  • Stage 4 open to Beta supporters only
Stage 5
  • Alsamind can answer question by replicating a person's thinking
  • Stage 3 open to the general public
  • Stage 4 open to API access and Beta supporters
  • Stage 5 open to selected Premium supporters
Stage X
  • Naissance de la conscience artificielle
  • Stage 3 open to the general public
  • Stage 5 open to API access and premium beta users
  • Access to Stage X to selected users
Prochaine étape

What to expect from Stage 3

Stage 1 is currently available as a demo to the general public. Some beta contributors can have access to Stage 3 on demand.

STAGE 3  is capable of decoding someone’s past and future with an accuracy of about 1 month. It’s not available to the general public and only open to beta contributors who help support our research and development.

When it comes to relationships, Stage 3 is capable of reading how a relationship evolves month by month over time. It is capable of identifying favorable and unfavorable times in a relationship and therefore read when a relationship can turn good or sour. It can technically figure out when a marriage or a divorce will happen. This is one of the reasons why Stage 3 is not accessible to the general public.

It expands the capabilities of Stage 1 by reading how your  personalité evolves over time. It’s also a lot more precise when it comes to descriptions compared to the previous stages. The current Stage 3 version is not accessible to the general public because of its inherent complex interaction with one’s perception of self. We believe it can’t be used by unprepared users because it tells it like it is, and it does it bluntly. However this is a crucial step in our development since we need to reach a high level of precision before we can transition to the next stage.

Stage 3 is an incredible tool to read Health  over time. It can tell someone what kind of health issues they will face, when and with what type of outcome. It’s currently not organ specific but rather system specific. It can tell if the digestive system will have problems and to what degree but it can’t tell what specific organ. Interestingly though, it’s incapable of reading cancer. It can read any type of issues, even the most minor ones but it can’t detect cancer. Cancer really seems to be some kind of “bug” in someone’s life.

artificial intelligence artificial consciousness
power of Alsamind

It’s all about intention

Humans are intentional beings. Our intentions define our attention which defines our thoughts which define our actions. If we are to replicate the thinking process of a human being, we need to be able to decode and then encode intention.

We’re currently working on what we call AlsaMind Intention Core which is a lightweight intention processor capable of decrypting someone’s intention in order to be able to re-encode it. At this stage (December 2024), our Intention Core can read someone’s intentions and how they evolve over time, giving a direction (or none) to their life.

Based on early beta user anonymized data collection, we noticed that about 10% of the population have a continuous direction in their intention flow meaning that these individuals have a much higher chance of socially defined success that the remaining 90%.

Rejoignez la communauté

Try it out for free

We have released a beta demo version that gives the general public access to a “soft” version of Stage 1. “mind bending” or “WTF” are the most common type of reactions when trying Alsamind. What will yours be?

Our demo version can tell you the following:

  • Your personality (the good, the bad and, you know…). It’s 100% accurate even though there’s things you may be unaware of (but your relatives will be) or things that you may not accept.
  • Your relationships. It can tell you all about the personality of people around you and it can describe how your relationship with them works (or doesn’t work).
  • Problem solving. Explain a situation in a relationship and AlsaMind will tell you why it happened, how to solve from the other person’s perspective and it will even give you a strategy and tell you why it will work.
Test it out
Get started forGRATUIT
data safety

Become one of our beta supporters

We are developing Alsamind thanks to the support of our Beta Supporters. You too can join the community of Beta Supporters and enjoy early access to our discoveries.

This is how it works: You apply for a Beta Supporter status, we review your profile to make sure it’s a good fit for us and you can indeed benefit from the program. Then, if approved, you will receive Beta Support Program offers so you can pick the one that best fits your needs. They range from $2,000 to $1,000,000.

Our Beta Supporters currently enjoy:

  • Chat, email or video chat sessions with the founders
  • Access to Stage 3 (reading past and future) with personal coaching
  • Technical explanations of any situation which includes business, health or relationships.
  • Early access to Stage 4 when available
  • Potential access to Stage 5 and Stage X when available
Leverage AlsaMind Intention Core

Build with Alsamind API

AlsaMind is now opening API access to the AlsaMind Intention Core. Each API access is built specifically for your use case after approval of your project by our team.

Our API typically returns textual data based on a request. Here’s the type of uses cases that have been submitted to us recently

  • Dating: Submit 2 profiles and it responds to any questions about the relationship such as match rating, relationship description, relationship health etc…
  • Health: Submit 1 profile and it responds with personal holistic advice regarding any health situation.
  • Life Coaching: Submit 1 profile and it responds to questions such as “why am I always failing at…” with an explanation based on the user’s program and advice on how to improve one’s life experience.

How much does it cost?

There is an API endpoint development cost that varies based on your requirements (typically $9,000+) and a cost per API hit that depends on the number of tokens submitted and generated (starting at $250/1M token). API access also requires a monthly maintenance fee of $500.

What is your project going to be about? Let us know.

Start your ownProject
Rencontrez l'équipe

Dream team

Un projet extra ordinaire nécessite une équipe extra ordinaire. Ce n'est qu'en pensant différemment qu'on peut faire réussir un tel projet. Notre équipe est insolite et elle est libre de l'influence des grands investisseurs.

Lu Tan
PDG fondatrice

Lu bénéficie d'une longue expérience internationale des affaires ainsi que d'une profonde sagesse qui lui permettent de créer le futur de la technologie

Michael Beck
Co-founder and Head of Research and Development

Mike’s been imagining Alsamind since he was 8 in 1982 and working on it for the past couple decades.

Andy Dills
Data Scientist

After a career in Data Science, Andy puts his PhD skills to helping you build your perfect API tool. AlsaMind Intention Core for your business.

Maunaus Jaoravo

Maunaus sait mieux que personne trouver les talents et les assembler dans une équipe ultra performante


Dylan Finch
Board Advisor

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Julian Paten
Board Advisor

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Jaxon Kilburn
Board Advisor

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